Where is the 4M Traveling Gavel NOW?
Current Caretakers (from 10/26/18 to Present):
Publicity Lodge No. 1000
Meets 1st Monday
Doric Room (8th Floor) – 6:09 pm
Next meeting on Monday, November 5th for the Conferral of the Master Mason Degree.
INTRODUCING the proud, new caretakers of the 4M District Traveling Gavel — Publicity Lodge No. 1000! WBro. Orlando Velez and the Publicity Brethren came in full force to Manahatta Lodge No. 449’s DDGM Visitation on October 26, 2018 with the intent on taking the gavel (9 Publicity Brothers total were present).
Prior Caretakers:
Manahatta Lodge No. 449 from 10/16/2018 to 10/26/2018
Franklin Lodge No. 447 from 5/16/2018 to 10/16/2018